Sorgente termale di Sorgeto

The island of Ischia is not only rich in thermal springs with numerous therapeutic virtues, it also boasts a fortunate geographic position which guarantees ideal climatic and environmental conditions for restoring the body and the spirit.

On the entire island: the rocky cliffs of Epomeo, the vineyard cultivation on the gently rolling hills, the relaxing pine groves, the fresh sea breeze, the beaches and the abundance of suggestive panoramas make the ancient land of Inarime a sweet, enchanted garden where one can enjoy the benefits of the springs of eternal youth.

Thermae of Ischia

More on the Terme di Ischia
Hydrothermal resources

Hydrothermal resources

The 1301 eruption, which originated the trachytic flow from the Arso, was the last one to ever happen on the Island. However, the differential bradyseisms, the earthquakes and the exhalent -hydrothermal manifestations in particular, show that the...

  • 24-03-2022 10:02:12
  • Hits 4831076
Hydrogeological maps

Hydrogeological maps

Figure 2: Map of subterranean water temperature: 1) from 20 to 40°C; 2) from 40 to 60°C; 3) from 60 to 80°C; 4) from 80 to 90°C. Mappa fasce idrogeochimicheCarta delle temperature delle acque sotterraneeCarta della conducibilità elettrica delle...

  • 24-03-2022 10:04:59
  • Hits 3467513
Chemical composition of thermal waters

Chemical composition of thermal waters

During the ten-year period from 1988 to1998, 83 thermal establishments located near springs and wells that are important to the reconstruction of the water circulation plan were monitored. The samples were drawn periodically in the communes of...

  • 24-03-2022 10:06:59
  • Hits 5437975


The eruptive and tectonic history of the Island of Ischia is very complex and the surveyed age of its volcanic materials dates back to 150,000 years ago. Volcanic activity on the island of Ischia includes two distinct cycles: the first developed...

  • 24-03-2022 10:09:55
  • Hits 2464509
History of the Thermae of Ischia

History of the Thermae of Ischia

Why choose Ischia to look after you health? The island of Ischia is not only rich in thermal springs with numerous therapeutic virtues, it also boasts a fortunate geographic position which guarantees ideal climatic and environmental conditions for...

  • 24-03-2022 10:11:41
  • Hits 4121571
Thermae on the island of Ischia

Thermae on the island of Ischia

The island of Ischia is not only rich in thermal springs with numerous therapeutic virtues, it also boasts a fortunate geographic position which guarantees ideal climatic and environmental conditions for restoring the body and the spirit. On the...

  • 24-03-2022 10:13:23
  • Hits 3354491